Wednesday, June 29, 2005

How do I feel?

hmm... I don´t know.

I feel homesick in the mornings and when I talk to Chris but other than that I´m mostly fine.

Yesterday afternoon, Priscilla and I were walking home from school when a car honked (so of course we didn´t look) and then it pulled over by us and so we looked and I was a little concerned. When no one yelled : ¡preciosas!: out of the window of the station wagon I relaxed a little. Then, we saw that it was two friends and their host mother so we hopped in for a ride and ended up going to dinner at a really nice (caro) italian restaurant and I ate spaghetti with calamarie in it. oh yeah. yeah i did.

Anyway, I did fine on that test that I took the day after Mambo Café. I mean, my standards are different, so an 81% floats my boat just fine.

Ha ha also, the sobrino (nephew) of my host mother is so cute! He´s five but he´s decided he wants to marry me. I told him he´s too young but he said in six days he will be bigger and big enough to marry. Then, he asked how many children I wanted and suggested 15. I don´t think México is the place for me. My guts would fall out of me if I did that. Anyway, hope to see some more comments soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Si el mundo fue creado en seis días, por qué no yendo de edad del jardín de la infancia a la edad que casar en el mismo numero de dias?

15 niños? No solamente tu "tripa" que cae hacia fuera, tu pelo rasgado hacia fuera en grupos tambien!