Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Si se puede

The title says it all, right? I´m having a great time here but there are a few barbs under my skin right now that i need to shake off. Like...last night when my two page essay (in spanish) was finished, the computer decided to lose it for me and I sat with the computer guy speaking in spanish for quite awhile until I was the last person in the lab. Hijole..

Anyway, I´m just going to type it again-it´s ok because they are always better the second time around right? Right.

I made a new friend! He´s a professor of engenering here and he likes to practice his english and I my spanish! He´s a really interesting person and we´re gonna go to coffee tomorrow at a place down the street from my house if his meeting is cancled (which is a somewhat regular occurance here). Tonight I am going to th cine (movies) with my new friend John- different friend. He´s the greatest and for anyone who´s concerned about my loyalties to my boo, John likes boys. Yeah! I can be ¨safe¨walking around with him and he doesn´t think I owe him anything. Nice.

Right now I must be off to a photo op with my group. Ha ha y después, tarea. mucha tarea. okok bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch those engineers - they come on like they are tame but turn into the life of the party! We miss you - Aunt Stephi